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This area is essential to Wild Seed Feild Musuem programming. Workshops, classes, zines, and exhibitions are the product of countless hours of field research and inquiry-driven exploration. While the term research can have varied meaning, in this instance it involves observation, identification, and experimentation using both traditional methods and scientific methodology. Science and art are closely intertwined. Historical context, storytelling, and community input play an integral role. 



In addition to conducting extensive study in local ecoregions, Emily has been exploring numerous ecoregions throughout the US and Costa Rica. Research has included species identification of fungi and plants. While gaining experience working with regional plant-related crafts, plant medicine, and traditional skills. Developing meaningful exchange and forming relationships with local people has been integral. Visits to these regions range from years to weeks. In the upcoming year photographs, stories, and links to resources, friends, and projects for each region will be added to the site.


Primary Studies  

Central US Hardwood Forests (Ozarks, Southern Illinois)

Central Forest- Grassland Transition (Northern Missouri, Northern Illinois)


Secondary Studies

Appalachian Blue Ridge Forests (Western North Carolina, Eastern Tennessee)

Appalachian Mixed Mesophytic Forest (North Carolina and Red River Gorge, Kentucky) 

Western Great Lakes Forest (Boundary Waters and North Shore of Minnesota)

Southern Conifer Forests (Northern and Central Florida, Southern Georgia)  


Mini Studies 

Upper Midwest Forest- Savanna Transition (Eastern Wisconsin)  

Colorado Plateau Shrublands (Canyonlands, Utah and Mesa Verde, Wyoming)

Sonoran Basin and Range (Arcosanti and Tuscan, Arizona)

Sonoran Desert (Joshua Tree, Arizona) 

Central Pacific Coast Forests (Hoh Rainforest and Olympic National Forest, Washington; Oregon Coast) 



In the Summer of 2020, Emily began pursuing a MAT in biological science through Project Dragonfly via Miami University (Ohio) with the Missouri Botanical Gardens Cohort. Project Dragonfly is a unique graduate program designed for educators, conservation leaders, activists, and scientists working to ignite ecological and social change. Emily is using her time with Project Dragonfly to design curriculum and further the research arm of the program. 



The recipient of the T.K. Wilson and W. Hardy Eshbaugh Scholarship, in June of 2022, Emily traveled to Costa Rica with the Global Field Studies program through Project Dragonfly. Over the month, Emily compiled a synthesis paper on ecotourism by comparing four different ecotourism business models and worked on species identification for the following ecoregions. 




Caribbean Lowlands (Tortuguero, Bri Bri Village)

Highlands (Monteverde, Alajuela)

Southern Pacific Lowlands (Drake Bay, Uvita, Manuel Antonio, Corcovado) 

Dry Northwest (Montezuma, Bahia Rica)





Spore Projects propels innovation between individuals and groups through evolving networks of exchange.


Our newest endeavor the Wild Seed Field Museum seeks to cultivate a deeper connection with the more-than-human world. Through classes, events, and happenings. 





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